ISO-KF dimension |
ISO-KF Wingnut clamp
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 10/16 A=16 B=42 C=63 304 #KSA
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 25 A=16 B=52 C=72 304 #KSB
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 40 A=16 B=68 C=90 304 #KSC
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 50 A=20 B=91 C=113 304 #KSD
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 10/16 A=16 B=42 C=63 Alu #KSE
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 25 A=16 B=52 C=72 Alu #KSF
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 40 A=16 B=68 C=90 Alu #KSG
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 50 A=20 B=91 C=113 Alu #KSH
KF-Safety wingnut clamp DN40 Alu #KSP
KF-Safety wingnut clamp DN50 Alu #KSQ
KF-Quick-Release-Clamp DN10/16 Alu/Plastics #KSV
KF-Quick-Release-Clamp DN25 Alu/Plastics #KSW
KF-Quick-Release-Clamp DN40 Alu/Plastics #KSX
ISO-KF Single clamp
KF-Single clamp DN10-50 A=20 B=20 C=15 D=11.5 E=15 Alu/304 #KPA
KF-Single clamp DN10-50 A=24 B=20 C=14 D=12 E=14 Alu/304 #KPB
KF-Chain clamp DN25 304 #KSS
KF-Chain clamp DN40 304 #KST
KF-Chain clamp DN50 304 #KSU
ISO-KF Centering ring
KF-Centering ring DN10 304/Viton #KZA
KF-Centering ring DN16 304/Viton #KZB
KF-Centering ring DN20 304/Viton #KZC
KF-Centering ring DN25 304/Viton #KZD
KF-Centering ring DN32 304/Viton #KZE
KF-Centering ring DN40 304/Viton #KZF
KF-Centering ring DN50 304/Viton #KZG
KF-Centering ring DN10 Alu/Viton #KZH
KF-Centering ring DN16 Alu/Viton #KZJ
KF-Centering ring DN20 Alu/Viton #KZK
KF-Centering ring DN25 Alu/Viton #KZL
KF-Centering ring DN32 Alu/Viton #KZM
KF-Centering ring DN40 Alu/Viton #KZN
KF-Centering ring DN50 Alu/Viton #KZP
KF-Centering ring DN10 316L/Viton #K1A
KF-Centering ring DN16 316L/Viton #K1B
KF-Centering ring DN25 316L/Viton #K1C
KF-Centering ring DN40 316L/Viton #K1D
KF-Centering ring DN50 316L/Viton #K1E
ISO-KF Reducer centering ring
KF-Reducer centering ring DN10/16 Alu/Viton #KXF
KF-Reducer centering ring DN20/25 Alu/Viton #KXG
KF-Reducer centering ring DN40/32 Alu/Viton #KXH
ISO-KF Outer centering ring
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring without O-ring DN16 304/ - /304 #KCA
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring without O-ring DN25 304/ - /304 #KCB
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring without O-ring DN40 304/ - /304 #KCC
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring without O-ring DN50 304/ - /304 #KCD
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN16 304/Viton/Alu #KCE
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN25 304/Viton/Alu #KCF
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN40 304/Viton/Alu #KCG
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN50 304/Viton/Alu #KCH
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN16 316L/Viton/Alu #KC4
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN25 316L/Viton/Alu #KC5
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN40 316L/Viton/Alu #KC6
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN50 316L/Viton/Alu #KC7
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring and O-ring DN25 304/Viton/304 #KC!
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring and O-ring DN40 304/Viton/304 #KC§
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring and O-ring DN50 304/Viton/304 #KC$
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN25 316L/Viton/316L #KC)
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN40 316L/Viton/316L #KDA
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN50 316L/Viton/316L #KDB
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring DN25 316L/Chemraz SFX/316L #KC8
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring DN40 316L/Chemraz SFX/316L #KC9
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring DN50 316L/Chemraz SFX/316L #KC+
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring andO-Ring DN25 304/FKM / FEP ummantelt/Alu #KCT
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring and O-Ring DN40 304/FKM / FEP ummantelt/Alu #KCW
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring and O-Ring DN50 304/FKM / FEP ummantelt/Alu #KCZ
KF-Outer centering ring DN16 Viton/Alu #KCJ
KF-Outer centering ring DN25 Viton/Alu #KCK
KF-Outer centering ring DN40 Viton/Alu #KCL
KF-Outer centering ring DN50 Viton/Alu #KCM
KF-Outer centering ring DN16 Viton/304 #KCN
KF-Outer centering ring DN25 Viton/304 #KCP
KF-Outer centering ring DN40 Viton/304 #KCQ
KF-Outer centering ring DN50 Viton/304 #KCR
ISO-KF Flexible metal hose
KF-Flexible metal hose DN16 L=250 304 #KWA
KF-Flexible metal hose DN16 L=500 304 #KWB
KF-Flexible metal hose DN16 L=750 304 #KWC
KF-Flexible metal hose DN16 L=1000 304 #KWD
KF-Flexible metal hose DN16 L=1500 304 #KW1
KF-Flexible metal hose DN16 L=2000 304 #KW2
KF-Flexible metal hose DN25 L=250 304 #KWE
KF-Flexible metal hose DN25 L=500 304 #KWF
KF-Flexible metal hose DN25 L=750 304 #KWG
KF-Flexible metal hose DN25 L=1000 304 #KWH
KF-Flexible metal hose DN25 L=1500 304 #KW3
KF-Flexible metal hose DN25 L=2000 304 #KW4
KF-Flexible metal hose DN40 L=250 304 #KWJ
KF-Flexible metal hose DN40 L=500 304 #KWK
KF-Flexible metal hose DN40 L=750 304 #KWL
KF-Flexible metal hose DN40 L=1000 304 #KWM
KF-Flexible metal hose DN40 L=1500 304 #KWZ
KF-Flexible metal hose DN40 L=2000 304 #KWN
KF-Flexible metal hose DN50 L=200 304 #KW+
KF-Flexible metal hose DN50 L=250 304 #KWP
KF-Flexible metal hose DN50 L=500 304 #KWQ
KF-Flexible metal hose DN50 L=750 304 #KWR
KF-Flexible metal hose DN50 L=1000 304 #KWS
KF-Flexible metal hose DN50 L=1500 304 #KW5
KF-Flexible metal hose DN50 L=2000 304 #KW6
KF Flexible metal hose DN16 L=250 hose 316L flange 316L #KYR
KF Flexible metal hose DN16 L=500 hose 316L flange 316L #KYM
KF Flexible metal hose DN16 L=750 hose 316L flange 316L #KYH
KF Flexible metal hose DN16 L=1000 hose 316L flange 316L #KYD
KF Flexible metal hose DN25 L=250 hose 316L flange 316L #KYQ
KF Flexible metal hose DN25 L=500 hose 316L flange 316L #KYL
KF Flexible metal hose DN25 L=750 hose 316L flange 316L #KYG
KF Flexible metal hose DN25 L=1000 hose 316L flange 316L #KYC
KF Flexible metal hose DN40 L=250 hose 316L flange 316L #KYP
KF Flexible metal hose DN40 L=500 hose 316L flange 316L #KW8
KF Flexible metal hose DN40 L=750 hose 316L flange 316L #KYF
KF Flexible metal hose DN40 L=1000 hose 316L flange 316L #KYB
KF Flexible metal hose DN50 L=250 hose 316L flange 316L #KYN
KF Flexible metal hose DN50 L=500 hose 316L flange 316L #KYJ
KF Flexible metal hose DN50 L=750 hose 316L flange 316L #KYE
KF Flexible metal hose DN50 L=1000 hose 316L flange 316L #KYA
ISO-KF Formed bellows
KF-Formed bellows DN10 L=100 bellows 316L flange 304 #KFA
KF-Formed bellows DN16 L=60 bellows 316L flange 304 #KFB
KF-Formed bellows DN16 L=100 bellows 316L flange 304 #KFC
KF-Formed bellows DN16 L=100 bellows 316L flange 316L #KFW
KF-Formed bellows DN16 L=120 bellows 316L flange 304 #KFD
KF-Formed bellows DN25 L=100 bellows 316L flange 304 #KFF
KF-Formed bellows DN25 L=120 bellows 316L flange 304 #KFG
KF-Formed bellows DN40 L=60 bellows 316L flange 304 #KF4
KF-Formed bellows DN40 L=100 bellows 316L flange 304 #KFH
KF-Formed bellows DN40 L=120 bellows 316L flange 304 #KFJ
KF-Formed bellows DN50 L=60 bellows 316L flange 304 #KF5
KF-Formed bellows DN50 L=100 bellows 316L flange 304 #KFK
KF-Formed bellows DN50 L=120 bellows 316L flange 304 #KFL
KF-Formed bellows DN16 L=120 bellows 316L flange 316L #KFY
KF-Formed bellows DN25 L=120 bellows 316L flange 316L #KFZ
KF-Formed bellows DN40 L=120 bellows 316L flange 316L #KF1
KF-Formed bellows DN40 L=150 bellows 316L flange 316L #KF8
KF-Formed bellows DN50 L=120 bellows 316L flange 316L #KF2
KF-Formed bellows DN50 L=150 bellows 316L flange 316L #KF7
ISO-KF Braided hose
KF-Braided hose DN25 L=120 304 #KWV
KF-Braided hose DN40 L=120 304 #KWW
KF-Braided hose DN50 L=120 304 #KWX
KF-Braided hose DN50 L=250 304 #KWY
KF-Braided hose DN25 L=250 hose and flange 316L metal braid 304 #KXJ
KF-Braided hose DN25 L=500 hose and flange 316L metal braid 304 #KXK
KF-Braided hose DN25 L=1000 hose and flange 316L metal braid 304 #KXL
KF-Braided hose DN40 L=250 hose and flange 316L metal braid 304 #KXM
KF-Braided hose DN40 L=500 hose and flange 316L metal braid 304 #KXN
KF-Braided hose DN40 L=1000 hose and flange 316L metal braid 304 #KXP
KF-Braided hose DN50 L=500 hose and flange 316L metal braid 304 #KXQ
KF-Braided hose DN50 L=1000 hose and flange 316L metal braid 304 #KXR
Braided hose DN40 both ends with tube 44.5x2 L=25 304 L=160 #KW$
Braided hose DN50 both ends with tube 54x2 L=25 304 L=160 #KW§
ISO-KF Welded bellows
KF-Welded bellows Ø25/Ø45/316L Axial 50mm 10.000 cycles at Pint=Vac. Pext=Atm. flange 304 Ltotal=54-104mm #KM2
ISO-KF Blank flange
KF-Blank flange DN10 304 #KBA
KF-Blank flange DN16 304 #KBB
KF-Blank flange DN20 304 #KBF
KF-Blank flange DN25 304 #KBC
KF-Blank flange DN32 304 #KBG
KF-Blank flange DN40 304 #KBD
KF-Blank flange DN50 304 #KBE
KF-Blank flange DN63 304 #KBH
KF-Blank flange DN10 316L #K1F
KF-Blank flange DN16 316L #K1G
KF-Blank flange DN25 316L #K1H
KF-Blank flange DN40 316L #K1J
KF-Blank flange DN50 316L #K1K
ISO-KF Weld flange
KF-Weld flange DN16 for tube 20x2 304 #KAA
KF-Weld flange DN16 for tube 19x1.65 304 #KAB
KF-Weld flange DN25 for tube 28x2 304 #KAC
KF-Weld flange DN25 for tube 25.4x1.65 304 #KAD
KF-Weld flange DN40 for tube 44.5x2 304 #KAE
KF-Weld flange DN40 for tube 38x1.5 304 #KAF
KF-Weld flange DN50 for tube 57x3.2 304 #KAG
KF-Weld flange DN50 for tube 54x2 304 #KAH
KF-Weld flange DN16 for tube 18x1 316L #KAR
KF-Weld flange DN25 for tube 28x2 316L #KAJ
KF-Weld flange DN40 for tube 44.5x2 316L #KAK
KF-Weld flange DN40 for tube 42.4x2 316L #KAT
KF-Weld flange DN40 for tube 38.1x1.5 316L #KAV
KF-Weld flange DN50 for tube 57x3.2 316L #KAL
KF-Weld flange DN50 for tube 54x2 316L #KAS
ISO-KF Flange tubulated
KF-Half nipple DN10 L=26 with tube 14x2 304 #KHA
KF-Half nipple DN16 L=26 with tube 20x2 304 #KHC
KF-Half nipple DN16 L=30 with tube 20x2 304 #KHM
KF-Half nipple DN25 L=26 with tube 28x2 304 #KHE
KF-Half nipple DN25 L=26 with tube 28x1.5 304 #KHQ
KF-Half nipple DN25 L=40 with tube 25.4x1.65 304 #KHU
KF-Half nipple DN25 L=30 with tube 28x2 304 #KHV
KF-Half nipple DN25 L=52 with tube 28x2 304 #KHW
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=40 with tube 38x1.5 304 #KH1
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=26 with tube 42.4x2 304 #KH2
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=26 with tube 44.5x2 304 #KHG
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=30 with tube 44.5x2 304 #KH3
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=58 with tube 44.5x2 304 #KH7
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=70 with tube 44.5x2 304 #KH8
KF-Half nipple DN50 L=40 with tube 50.8x1.65 304 #KJA
KF-Half nipple DN50 L=26 with tube 54x2 304 #KHJ
KF-Half nipple DN50 L=58 with tube 54x2 304 #KJJ
KF-Half nipple DN50 L=30 with tube 57x3.2 304 #KJD
KF-Half nipple DN50 L=58 with tube 57x3.2 304 #KJE
KF-Half nipple DN50 L=70 with tube 57x3.2 304 #KJF
KF-Half nipple DN16 L=26 with tube 18x1 316L #KAQ
KF-Half nipple DN16 L=30 with tube 20x2 316L #K1M
KF-Half nipple DN16 L=30 with tube 20x2 316L #K2R
KF-Half nipple DN25 L=40 with tube 25.4x1.65 316L #K2U
KF-Half nipple DN25 L=30 with tube 28x2 316L #K1L
KF-Half nipple DN25 L=30 with tube 28x2 316L #K2Q
KF-Half nipple DN25 L=52 with tube 28x2 316L #K2S
KF-Half nipple DN25 L=30 with tube 25.4x1.65 316L #K1!
KF-Half nipple DN50 L=26 with tube 54x2 316L #K1N
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=26 with tube 42.4x2 316L #K1)
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=30 with tube 41.2x1.5 316L #K1P
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=30 with tube 44.5x2 316L #K1+
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=58 with tube 44.5x2 316L #K1§
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=70 with tube 44.5x2 316L #K1$
KF-Half nipple DN50 L=30 with tube 57x3.2 316L #K1%
KF-Half nipple DN50 L=58 with tube 57x3.2 316L #K1&
KF-Half nipple DN50 L=70 with tube 57x3.2 316L #K1/
ISO-KF Full Nipple
KF-Full Nipple DN10 L=60 304 #KNA
KF-Full Nipple DN16 L=80 304 #KNB
KF-Full Nipple DN25 L=100 304 #KNC
KF-Full Nipple DN40 L=130 304 #KND
KF-Full Nipple DN50 L=140 304 #KNE
ISO-KF Radius elbow 90°
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN10 L=30 304 #KEA
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN16 L=40 304 #KEB
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN25 L=50 304 #KEC
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN25 L=55 304 #KEL
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN40 L=65 304 #KED
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN50 L=70 304 #KEE
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN10 L=30 316L #KEM
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN16 L=40 316L #K1Q
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN25 L=50 316L #K1R
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN40 L=65 316L #K1S
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN50 L=70 316L #K1T
ISO-KF Radius elbow 45°
KF-Radius elbow 45° DN10 L=30 304 #KEF
KF-Radius elbow 45° DN16 L=25 304 #KEG
KF-Radius elbow 45° DN25 L=32 304 #KEH
KF-Radius elbow 45° DN40 L=40 304 #KEJ
KF-Radius elbow 45° DN50 L=51 304 #KEK
KF-Radius elbow 45° DN16 L=26 316L #K1U
KF-Radius elbow 45° DN25 L=32 316L #K1V
KF-Radius elbow 45° DN40 L=40 316L #K1W
KF-Radius elbow 45° DN50 L=51 316L #K1X
KF-Tee DN10 L=60 304 #KTA
KF-Tee DN16 L=80 304 #KTB
KF-Tee DN25 L=100 304 #KTC
KF-Tee DN25 L=104 304 #KTF
KF-Tee DN40 L=130 304 #KTD
KF-Tee DN50 L=140 304 #KTE
KF-Tee DN10 L=60 316L #K1Y
KF-Tee DN16 L=80 316L #K1Z
KF-Tee DN25 L=100 316L #K11
KF-Tee DN40 L=130 316L #K12
KF-Tee DN50 L=140 316L #K13
ISO-KF Reducer Tee
KF-Reducer Tee DN25/16 L=100 R=40 304 #KTL
KF-Reducer Tee DN40/16 L=130 R=40 304 #KTM
KF-Reducer Tee DN40/25 L=130 R=50 304 #KTN
KF-Reducer Tee DN50/16 L=140 R=50 304 #KTP
KF-Reducer Tee DN50/25 L=140 R=65 304 #KTQ
KF-Reducer Tee DN50/40 L=140 R=65 304 #KTR
KF-Reducer Tee DN25/16 L=100 R=40 316L #K14
KF-Reducer Tee DN40/10 L=130 R=40 316L #K2L
KF-Reducer Tee DN40/16 L=130 R=40 316L #K15
KF-Reducer Tee DN40/25 L=130 R=50 316L #K16
KF-Reducer Tee DN50/10 L=140 R=50 316L #K2M
KF-Reducer Tee DN50/16 L=140 R=50 316L #K17
KF-Reducer Tee DN50/25 L=140 R=65 316L #K18
KF-Reducer Tee DN50/40 L=140 R=65 316L #K19
ISO-KF 4way-Cross
KF-4way-Cross DN10 L=60 304 #KKA
KF-4way-Cross DN16 L=80 304 #KKB
KF-4way-Cross DN25 L=100 304 #KKC
KF-4way-Cross DN40 L=130 304 #KKD
KF-4way-Cross DN50 L=140 304 #KKE
KF-4way-Cross DN16 L=80 316L #K2A
KF-4way-Cross DN25 L=100 316L #K2B
KF-4way-Cross DN40 L=130 316L #K2C
KF-4way-Cross DN50 L=140 316L #K2D
KF-6way-cross DN16 L=130 304 #KKM
KF-6way-cross DN25 L=130 304 #KKN
KF-6way-cross DN40 L=130 304 #KKP
KF-6way-cross DN50 L=130 304 #KKQ
ISO-KF Reducer-Cross
KF-Reducer-Cross DN25/16 L=100 R=40 304 #KKF
KF-Reducer-Cross DN40/16 L=130 R=40 304 #KKG
KF-Reducer-Cross DN40/25 L=130 R=50 304 #KKH
KF-Reducer-Cross DN50/16 L=140 R=40 304 #KKI
KF-Reducer-Cross DN50/25 L=140 R=50 304 #KKJ
KF-Reducer-Cross DN50/40 L=140 R=65 304 #KKK
ISO-KF Cylindrical Reducer
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN25/DN10 L=28 304 #KRG
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN25/DN10 L=40 304 #KRH
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN25/DN16 L=28 304 #KRJ
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN25/DN16 L=40 304 #KRK
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN40/DN10 L=28 304 #KRL
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN40/DN10 L=40 304 #KRM
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN40/DN16 L=28 304 #KRN
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN40/DN16 L=40 304 #KRP
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN40/DN25 L=28 304 #KRQ
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN40/DN25 L=40 304 #KRR
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN50/DN16 L=28 304 #KRS
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN50/DN16 L=40 304 #KRT
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN50/DN25 L=28 304 #KRU
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN50/DN25 L=40 304 #KRV
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN50/DN40 L=28 304 #KRW
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN50/DN40 L=40 304 #KRX
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN25/DN16 L=28 316L #KRY
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN40/DN16 L=28 316L #KRZ
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN40/DN25 L=28 316L #KR1
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN50/DN25 L=28 316L #KR2
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN50/DN40 L=28 316L #KR3
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN40/DN16 L=28 Alu #KAP
ISO-KF Conical Reducer
KF-Conical Reducer DN25/16 L=40 304 #KRA
KF-Conical Reducer DN40/16 L=40 304 #KRB
KF-Conical Reducer DN40/25 L=40 304 #KRC
KF-Conical Reducer DN50/16 L=40 304 #KRD
KF-Conical Reducer DN50/25 L=40 304 #KRE
KF-Conical Reducer DN50/40 L=40 304 #KRF
KF-Conical Reducer DN25/16 L=40 316L #K2E
KF-Conical Reducer DN40/16 L=40 316L #K2F
KF-Conical Reducer DN40/25 L=40 316L #K2G
KF-Conical Reducer DN50/16 L=40 316L #K2H
KF-Conical Reducer DN50/25 L=40 316L #K2J
KF-Conical Reducer DN50/40 L=40 316L #K2K
KF-Conical Reducer DN40/16 L=40 Alu #KAM
KF-Conical Reducer DN40/25 L=40 Alu #KAN
ISO-KF Swagelok Adapter
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN16 L=40 Tube outerØ 6 304 #ZAB
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN16 L=41 Tube outerØ 8 304 #ZAC
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN25 L=38 Tube outerØ 6 304 #ZAF
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN25 L=39 Tube outerØ 8 304 #ZAG
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN25 L=41 Tube outerØ 10 304 #ZAH
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN25 L=43 Tube outerØ 12 304 #ZAJ
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN40 L=37 Tube outerØ 6 304 #ZAM
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN16 L=40 Tube outerØ 1/4" 304 #ZAZ
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN16 L=53 Tube outerØ 1/2" 304 #ZA2
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN25 L=38 Tube outerØ 1/4" 304 #ZA4
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN25 L=53 Tube outerØ 1/2" 304 #ZA6
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN40 L=38 Tube outerØ 1/4" 304 #ZBA
ISO-KF Adapter
KF-Screwed Adapter DN16 / G1/4" 304 #ZEG
KF-Screwed Adapter DN40 / R1 1/4" thread seal 304 #ZEH
ISO-K Dimension |
ISO-K Double clamp
ISO-K-Double clamp DN63-250 M10 Q=17-27 R=61.5 steel zinc plated wrench size 17mm #JSA
ISO-K-Double clamp DN320-500 M12 Q=27-33 R=77 steel zinc plated wrench size 19mm #JSB
ISO-K-Double clamp DN630 M12 Q=36-44 R=86 steel zinc plated #JSC
ISO-K-Double clamp DN63-250 M10 Q=17-27 R=61.5 304 wrench size 17mm #JSD
ISO-K-Double clamp DN320-500 M12 Q=27-33 R=77 304 wrench size 19mm #JSE
ISO-K-Double clamp DN630 M12 Q=36-44 R=86 304 #JSF
ISO-K-Double clamp DN63-250 M10 Q=17-27 R=61.5 316L wrench size 17mm #JSG
ISO-K-Double clamp DN320-500 M12 Q=27-33 R=77 316L wrench size 19mm #JSH
ISO-K-Double clamp DN630 M12 Q=36-44 R=86 316L #JSJ
ISO-K-Double clamp DN63-100 M8 Q=24-27 R=50 Alu wrench size 13mm #JSK
ISO-K-Double clamp DN160-250 M10 Q=27-32 R=52 Alu wrench size 17mm #JSL
ISO-K-Double clamp DN320-500 M12 Q=32-38 R=65 Alu wrench size 19mm #JSM
ISO-K Single clamp
ISO-K-Single clamp DN63-100 M8 Q=35 R=23 S=14 steel zinc plated wrench size 13mm #JPA
ISO-K-Single clamp DN160-250 M10 Q=35 R=23 S=14 steel zinc plated wrench size 17mm #JPB
ISO-K-Single clamp DN320-500 M12 Q=50 R=30 S=21 steel zinc plated wrench size 19mm #JPC
ISO-K-Single clamp DN630 M12 Q=60 R=41.5 S=26 steel zinc plated #JPD
ISO-K-Single clamp DN63-100 M8 Q=35 R=23 S=14 304 wrench size 13mm #JPE
ISO-K-Single clamp DN160-250 M10 Q=35 R=23 S=14 304 wrench size 17mm #JPF
ISO-K-Single clamp DN320-500 M12 Q=50 R=30 S=21 304 wrench size 19mm #JPG
ISO-K-Single clamp DN630 M12 Q=60 R=41.5 S=26 304 #JPH
ISO-K-Single clamp DN63-100 M10 Q=35 R=23 S=14 Alu /A2 wrench size 13mm #JPJ
ISO-K-Single clamp DN160-250 M10 Q=35 R=23 S=14 Alu /A2 wrench size 17mm #JPK
ISO-K-Single clamp DN320-500 M12 Q=50 R=30 S=21 Alu /A2 wrench size 19mm #JPL
ISO-K-Single clamp DN630 M12 Q=60 R=41.5 S=26 Alu /A2 #JPM
ISO-K-Single clamp DN63-100 M8 Q=30 R=19 S=10 steel zinc plated wrench size 13mm #JPN
ISO-K-Single clamp DN160-250 M10 Q=35 R=19 S=10 steel zinc plated wrench size 17mm #JPP
ISO-K Flexible metal hose
ISO-K-Flexible metal hose DN63 L=250 304 #JWA
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN63 L=500 304 #JWB
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN63 L=500 hose ID=59 304 #JWU
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN63 L=750 304 #JWC
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN63 L=1000 304 #JWD
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN80 L=250 304 #JWE
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN80 L=500 304 #JWF
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN80 L=750 304 #JWG
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN80 L=1000 304 #JWH
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN100 L=250 304 #JWJ
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN100 L=500 304 #JWK
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN100 L=750 304 #JWL
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN100 L=1000 304 #JWM
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN160 L=250 304 #JWN
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN160 L=500 304 #JWP
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN160 L=750 304 #JWQ
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN160 L=1000 304 #JWR
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN63 L=500 316L #JWS
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN100 L=500 316L #JWT
ISO-K Formed bellows
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN63 L=130 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFA
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN63 L=140 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFN
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN63 L=150 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFB
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN63 L=200 bellows 316L flange 304 #JF L=
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN80 L=130 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFC
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN80 L=150 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFD
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN100 L=130 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFE
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN100 L=150 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFF
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN160 L=150 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFG
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN160 L=220 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFH
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN200 L=200 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFZ
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN200 L=220 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFJ
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN250 L=200 bellows 316L flange 304 #JF1
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN250 L=220 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFK
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN320 L=220 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFL
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN63 L=120 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JF8
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN63 L=130 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JFP
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN80 L=130 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JFQ
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN100 L=180 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JF6
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN100 L=120 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JF7
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN100 L=130 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JFM
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN160 L=150 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JFR
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN160 L=250 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JF5
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN200 L=200 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JF4
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN200 L=220 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JFS
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN250 L=200 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JFV
ISO-K Centering ring
ISO-K-Centering ring DN63 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton #JZA
ISO-K-Centering ring DN80 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton #JZB
ISO-K-Centering ring DN100 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton #JZC
ISO-K-Centering ring DN160 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton #JZD
ISO-K-Centering ring DN200 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton #JZE
ISO-K-Centering ring DN250 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton #JZF
ISO-K-Centering ring DN320 B=14 L=5.6 304/Viton #JZG
ISO-K-Centering ring DN400 B=14 L=5.6 304/Viton #JZH
ISO-K-Centering ring DN500 B=14 L=5.6 304/Viton #JZJ
ISO-K-Centering ring DN63 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton #JZK
ISO-K-Centering ring DN80 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton #JZL
ISO-K-Centering ring DN100 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton #JZM
ISO-K-Centering ring DN160 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton #JZN
ISO-K-Centering ring DN200 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton #JZP
ISO-K-Centering ring DN250 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton #JZQ
ISO-K-Centering ring DN320 B=14 L=5.6 Alu/Viton #JZR
ISO-K-Centering ring DN400 B=14 L=5.6 Alu/Viton #JZS
ISO-K-Centering ring DN500 B=14 L=5.6 Alu/Viton #JZT
ISO-K-Centering ring DN63 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton #JZU
ISO-K-Centering ring DN80 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton #JZV
ISO-K-Centering ring DN100 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton #JZW
ISO-K-Centering ring DN160 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton #JZX
ISO-K-Centering ring DN200 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton #JZY
ISO-K-Centering ring DN250 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton #JZZ
ISO-K-Centering ring DN320 B=14 L=5.6 316L/Viton #JZ1
ISO-K Centering ring with outer ring
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN63 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton/Alu #JCA
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN80 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton/Alu #JCB
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN100 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton/Alu #JCC
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN160 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton/Alu #JCD
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN200 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton/Alu #JCE
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN250 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton/Alu #JCF
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN320 B=14 L=5.6 304/Viton/Alu #JCG
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN63 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton/Alu #JCJ
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN80 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton/Alu #JCK
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN100 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton/Alu #JCL
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN160 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton/Alu #JCM
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN200 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton/Alu #JCN
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN250 B=14 L=5.6 Alu/Viton/Alu #JCP
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN320 B=14 L=5.6 Alu/Viton/Alu #JCQ
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN63 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton/Alu #JCV
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN80 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton/Alu #JCX
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN100 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton/Alu #JCY
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN160 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton/Alu #JCZ
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN200 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton/Alu #JC1
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN250 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton/Alu #JC2
ISO-K-Adapter centerring ring DN100 with outer ring B=8 L=3.9 d=108/102 316L/Viton (black)/ Alu acc. to drawing #JC7
ISO-K-Centerring ring with outer ring DN100 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton/Alu centerring d=108 #JC8
ISO-K-Centerring Ring with Wiremesh DN100 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton Mesh Size 2.5x2.5mm #JC%
ISO-K Blank flange
ISO-K-Blank flange DN63 304 #JBA
ISO-K-Blank flange DN80 304 #JBB
ISO-K-Blank flange DN100 304 #JBC
ISO-K-Blank flange DN160 304 #JBD
ISO-K-Blank flange DN200 304 #JBE
ISO-K-Blank flange DN250 304 #JBF
ISO-K-Blank flange DN320 304 #JBG
ISO-K-Blank flange DN63 316L #JBL
ISO-K-Blank flange DN80 316L #JBM
ISO-K-Blank flange DN100 316L #JBN
ISO-K-Blank flange DN160 316L #JBP
ISO-K-Blank flange DN200 316L #JBQ
ISO-K-Blank flange DN250 316L #JBR
ISO-K-Blank flange DN320 316L #JBS
ISO-K-Blank flange DN63 Alu #JBW
ISO-K-Blank flange DN80 Alu #JBX
ISO-K-Blank flange DN100 Alu #JBY
ISO-K-Blank flange DN160 Alu #JBZ
ISO-K-Blank flange DN200 Alu #JB1
ISO-K-Blank flange DN250 Alu #JB2
ISO-K Weld flange
ISO-K-Weld flange DN63 L=6 L=6 for tube 76.1x3 304 #JAA
ISO-K-Weld flange DN63 L=8 for tube 76.1x3 304 with welding lip #JAP
ISO-K-Weld flange DN80 L=6 for tube 88.9x3 304 #JAB
ISO-K-Weld flange DN80 L=6 for tube 88.9x3 304 drwg #JAK
ISO-K-Weld flange DN100 L=6 for tube 108x3 304 #JAC
ISO-K-Weld flange DN100 L=6 for tube 108x3 304 drwg #JAL
ISO-K-Weld flange DN100 L=8 for tube 108x3 304 with welding lip #JAQ
ISO-K-Weld flange DN160 L=6 for tube 159x3 304 #JAD
ISO-K-Weld flange DN160 L=8 for tube 159x3 304 with welding lip #JAR
ISO-K-Weld flange DN200 L=6 for tube 219x3 304 #JAE
ISO-K-Weld flange DN250 L=6 for tube 267x3 304 #JAF
ISO-K-Weld flange DN250 L=6 for tube 273x3 304 #JA6
ISO-K-Weld flange DN320 L=8 for tube 324x3 304 #JAG
ISO-K-Weld flange DN400 L=8 for tube 406x3 304 #JAH
ISO-K-Weld flange DN500 L=8 for tube 508x4 304 #JAS
ISO-K-Weld flange DN63 L=8 for tube 76.1x3 316L with welding lip #JAM
ISO-K-Weld flange DN63 L=6 for tube 63x1.65 316L #JA§
ISO-K-Weld flange DN63 L=6 for tube 76.1x3 316L #JA!
ISO-K-Weld flange DN80 L=8 for tube 89x3 316L with welding lip #JAU
ISO-K-Weld flange DN100 L=8 for tube 101.6x2.1 316L with welding lip #JAW
ISO-K-Weld flange DN100 L=8 for tube 104x2 316L with welding lip #JAY
ISO-K-Weld flange DN100 L=6 for tube 108x3 316L acc. drwg. #JA+
ISO-K-Weld flange DN100 L=6 for tube 108x3 316L #JA7
ISO-K-Weld flange DN100 L=8 for tube 108x3 316L with welding lip #JAN
ISO-K-Weld flange DN100 L=8 for tube 114.3x2 for centerring d=108 Mat. 316L acc. to drawing #JA1
ISO-K-Weld flange DN160 L=6 for tube 159x3 316L #JA8
ISO-K-Weld flange DN160 L=8 for tube 159x3 316L with welding lip #JAJ
ISO-K-Weld flange DN160 L=8 for tube 154x2 316L with welding lip #JAX
ISO-K-Weld flange DN200 L=6 for tube 219x3 316L #JA9
ISO-K-Weld flange DN200 L=8 for tube 219x3 316L with welding lip #JAT
ISO-K-Weld flange DN200 L=8 for tube 204x2 316L with welding lip #JAZ
ISO-K-Weld flange DN250 L=8 for tube 273x3 316L with welding lip #JA2
ISO-K-Weld flange DN320 L=8 for tube 324x3 316L #JA3
ISO-K-Weld flange DN400 L=8 for tube 406x3 316L #JA4
ISO-F-Weldflange DN160 for pipe 159x3 L=6 316L #FCC
ISO-K Flange tubulated
ISO-K-Half nipple DN63 with tube Ø76.1x3 L=30 304 #JHP
ISO-K-Half nipple DN63 with tube Ø76.1x3 L=100 304 #JHA
ISO-K-Half nipple DN63 with tube Ø77x2.9 L=100 304 #JHV
ISO-K-Half nipple DN80 with tube Ø88.9x3 L=100 304 #JHB
ISO-K-Half nipple DN100 with tube Ø108x3 L=100 304 #JHC
ISO-K-Half nipple DN160 with tube Ø159x3 L=100 304 #JHD
ISO-K-Half nipple DN200 with tube Ø219x3 L=100 304 #JHE
ISO-K-Half nipple DN250 with tube Ø267x3 L=100 304 #JHF
ISO-K-Half nipple DN320 with tube Ø324x3 L=100 304 #JHG
ISO-K-Half nipple DN320 with tube Ø324x3 L=35 304L #JHQ
ISO-K-Half nipple DN400 with tube Ø406x3 L=100 304 #JHH
ISO-K-Half nipple DN500 with tube Ø508x4 L=100 304 #JHJ
ISO-K-Half nipple DN500 with tube Ø508x5 L=35 304L #JHR
ISO-K-Half nipple DN63 with tube Ø63.5x1.65 L=100 316L #JHK
ISO-K-Half nipple DN80 with tube Ø88.9x3 L=100 316L #JHL
ISO-K-Half nipple DN100 with tube Ø108x3 L=100 316L #JHM
ISO-K-Half nipple DN160 with tube Ø152.4x2.4 L=100 316L #JHN
ISO-K-Half nipple DN200 with tube Ø219x3 L=100 316L #JHS
ISO-K-Half nipple DN250 with tube Ø267x3 L=100 316L #JHT
ISO-K-Half nipple DN250 with tube Ø273x3 L=100 316L #JHW
ISO-K-Half nipple DN320 with tube Ø324x3 L=100 316L #JHU
ISO-K Full Nipple
ISO-K-Full Nipple DN63 L=176 304 #JNA
ISO-K-Full Nipple DN80 L=196 304 #JNB
ISO-K-Full Nipple DN100 L=216 304 #JNC
ISO-K-Full Nipple DN160 L=138 304 #JND
ISO-K-Full Nipple DN160 L=276 304 #JNE
ISO-K-Full Nipple DN200 L=178 304 #JNF
ISO-K-Full Nipple DN250 L=208 304 #JNG
ISO-K Conical Reducer
ISO-K-Conical Reducer DN80/63 L=63 304 #JRA
ISO-K-Conical Reducer DN100/63 L=63 304 #JRB
ISO-K-Conical Reducer DN100/80 L=63 304 #JRC
ISO-K-Conical Reducer DN160/63 L=104 304 #JRD
ISO-K-Conical Reducer DN160/80 L=104 304 #JRE
ISO-K-Conical Reducer DN160/100 L=104 304 #JRF
ISO-K-Conical Reducer DN80/63 L=63 316L #JR2
ISO-K-Conical Reducer DN100/63 L=63 316L #JRV
ISO-K-Conical Reducer DN100/80 L=63 316L #JRT
ISO-K-Conical Reducer DN160/63 L=104 316L #JRY
ISO-K-Conical Reducer DN160/80 L=104 316L #JR3
ISO-K-Conical Reducer DN160/100 L=104 316L #JRU
ISO-K Cylindrical Reducer
ISO-K-Cylindrical Reducer DN100/63 L=50 304 #JVB
ISO-K-Cylindrical Reducer DN160/63 L=50 304 #JVD
ISO-K-Cylindrical Reducer DN160/100 L=50 304 #JVF
ISO-K-Cylindrical Reducer DN200/63 L=50 304 #JVG
ISO-K-Cylindrical Reducer DN200/100 L=50 304 #JVH
ISO-K-Cylindrical Reducer DN200/160 L=50 304 #JVJ
ISO-K-Cylindrical Reducer DN250/63 L=50 304 #JVK
ISO-K-Cylindrical Reducer DN250/100 L=50 304 #JVL
ISO-K-Cylindrical Reducer DN250/160 L=50 304 #JVM
ISO-K-Cylindrical Reducer DN250/200 L=50 304 #JVN
ISO-K-Cylindrical Reducer DN100/63 L=50 316L #JVP
ISO-K-Cylindrical Reducer DN160/63 L=50 316L #JVR
ISO-K-Cylindrical Reducer DN160/100 L=50 316L #JVS
ISO-K Mitered elbow 90°
ISO-K-Mitered elbow 90° DN63 L=88 304 #JMA
ISO-K-Mitered elbow 90° DN80 L= 304 #JMB
ISO-K-Mitered elbow 90° DN100 L=108 304 #JMC
ISO-K-Mitered elbow 90° DN160 L=138 304 #JMD
ISO-K-Mitered elbow 90° DN200 L=178 304 #JME
ISO-K-Mitered elbow 90° DN250 L=208 304 #JMF
ISO-K-Mitered elbow 90° DN100 L=108 316L #JMG
ISO-K-Mitered elbow 90° DN160 L=138 316L #JMH
ISO-K Radius elbow 90°
ISO-K-Radius elbow 90° DN63 L=88 304 #JEA
ISO-K-Radius elbow 90° DN80 L=98 304 #JEB
ISO-K-Radius elbow 90° DN80 L=125 304 #JEM
ISO-K-Radius elbow 90° DN100 L=108 304 #JEC
ISO-K-Radius elbow 90° DN160 L=232 304 #JED
ISO-K-Radius elbow 90° DN200 L=278 304 #JEE
ISO-K-Radius elbow 90° DN250 L=308 304 #JEF
ISO-K-Radius elbow 90° DN63 L=88 316L #JEG
ISO-K-Radius elbow 90° DN80 L=98 316L #JEH
ISO-K-Radius elbow 90° DN100 L=108 316L #JEJ
ISO-K-Radius elbow 90° DN160 L=235 316L #JEL
ISO-K Mitered elbow 45°
ISO-K-Mitered elbow 45° DN63 L=82 316L #JEN
ISO-K-Mitered elbow 45° DN80 L=100 316L #JEP
ISO-K-Mitered elbow 45° DN100 L=128 316L #JEQ
ISO-K-Mitered elbow 45° DN160 L=147 316L #JER
ISO-K-Tee DN63 L=176/88 304 #JTA
ISO-K-Tee DN80 L=196/98 304 #JTB
ISO-K-Tee DN100 L=216/108 304 #JTC
ISO-K-Tee DN160 L=276/138 304 #JTD
ISO-K-Tee DN200 L=356/178 304 #JTE
ISO-K-Tee DN250 L=416/208 304 #JTF
ISO-K-Tee DN63 L=176/88 316L #JTU
ISO-K-Tee DN80 L=196/98 316L #JTV
ISO-K-Tee DN100 L=216/108 316L #JTW
ISO-K-Tee DN160 L=276/138 316L #JTX
ISO-K-Tee DN250 L=416/208 316L #JTZ
ISO-K Reducer-Tee
ISO-K-Reducer-Tee DN80/63 L=196 Lx=95 304 #JTG
ISO-K-Reducer-Tee DN100/63 L=216 Lx=107 304 #JTH
ISO-K-Reducer-Tee DN100/80 L=216 Lx=111 304 #JTJ
ISO-K-Reducer-Tee DN160/63 L=276 Lx=130 304 #JTK
ISO-K-Reducer-Tee DN160/80 L=276 Lx=134 304 #JTL
ISO-K-Reducer-Tee DN160/100 L=276 Lx=131 304 #JTM
ISO-K-Reducer-Tee DN200/63 L=356 Lx=160 304 #JTN
ISO-K-Reducer-Tee DN200/80 L=356 Lx=163 304 #JTP
ISO-K-Reducer-Tee DN200/100 L=356 Lx=161 304 #JTQ
ISO-K-Reducer-Tee DN200/160 L=356 Lx=168 304 #JTR
ISO-K-Reducer-Tee DN100/80 L=216 Lx=111 316L #JT1
ISO-K-Reducer-Tee DN160/100 L=276 Lx=131 316L #JT2
ISO-K 4way-Cross
ISO-K-4way-Cross DN63 L=176 304 #JKA
ISO-K-4way-Cross DN80 L=196 304 #JKB
ISO-K-4way-Cross DN100 L=216 304 #JKC
ISO-K-4way-Cross DN160 L=276 304 #JKD
ISO-K-4way-Cross DN200 L=356 304 #JKE
ISO-K-4way-Cross DN250 L=416 304 #JKF
ISO-K-6way-Cross DN63 L=176 304 #JKG
ISO-K-6way-Cross DN80 L=196 304 #JKH
ISO-K-6way-Cross DN100 L=216 304 #JKJ
ISO-K-6way-Cross DN160 L=276 304 #JKK
ISO-K-6way-Cross DN200 L=356 304 #JKL
ISO-K-6way-Cross DN250 L=416 304 #JKM
ISO-K Reducer-Cross
ISO-K-Reducer-Cross DN80/63 L=196 Lx=95 304 #JKN
ISO-K-Reducer-Cross DN100/63 L=216 Lx=107 304 #JKP
ISO-K-Reducer-Cross DN100/80 L=216 Lx=111 304 #JKQ
ISO-K-Reducer-Cross DN160/63 L=276 Lx=130 304 #JKR
ISO-K-Reducer-Cross DN160/80 L=276 Lx=134 304 #JKS
ISO-K-Reducer-Cross DN160/100 L=276 Lx=131 304 #JKT
ISO-K-Reducer-Cross DN200/63 L=356 Lx=160 304 #JKU
ISO-K-Reducer-Cross DN200/80 L=356 Lx=163 304 #JKV
ISO-K-Reducer-Cross DN200/100 L=356 Lx=161 304 #JKW
ISO-K-Reducer-Cross DN200/160 L=356 Lx=168 304 #JKX
ISO-K-Reducer-Cross DN63/40/25/16 L=88 Lx=66/64/59 304 #JKY
ISO-K-Reducer-Cross DN100/40/25/16 L=100 Lx=82/80/77 304 #JKZ
ISO-K-Reducer-Cross DN160/40/25/16 L=100 Lx=107/107/105 304 #JK1
ISO-K Bolt Ring incl. Retaining Ring
ISO-K-Bolt Ring incl. Retaining Ring DN63 304 #JUA
ISO-K-Bolt Ring incl. Retaining Ring DN80 304 #JUB
ISO-K-Bolt Ring incl. Retaining Ring DN100 304 #JUC
ISO-K-Bolt Ring incl. Retaining Ring DN160 304 #JUD
ISO-K-Bolt Ring incl. Retaining Ring DN200 304 #JUE
ISO-K-Bolt Ring incl. Retaining Ring DN250 304 #JUF
ISO-K-Bolt Ring incl. Retaining Ring DN320 304 #JUG
ISO-K-Bolt Ring incl. Retaining Ring DN63 316L #JUJ
ISO-K-Bolt Ring incl. Retaining Ring DN100 316L #JUK
ISO-K-Bolt Ring incl. Retaining Ring DN160 316L #JUL
ISO-K-Bolt Ring incl. Retaining Ring DN200 316L #JUM
ISO-K-Bolt Ring incl. Retaining Ring DN250 316L #JUN
ISO-K Viewport
ISO-F-Viewport DN63 Alu borosilicate exchangeable #JYA
ISO-F-Viewport DN100 Alu window 99/120 borosilicate interchangeable #JZ$
ISO-F-Viewport DN100 Alu anod. window 95/120 borosilicate exchangeable #JZ4
ISO-K-Viewport DN100 304 window 63 borosilicate soldered #JGA
ISO-F Viewport DN 100 with protect glass Aluminium anodized black #JGD
ISO-K-Viewport DN100 304 Borosilicate. window fitted with viton o-ring #JGG
ISO-K/KF Adapter conical
ISO-K/KF-Adapter conical DN63/25 L=63 304 #ZRA
ISO-K/KF-Adapter conical DN63/40 L=63 304 #ZRB
ISO-K/KF-Adapter conical DN63/50 L=63 304 #ZRC
ISO-K/KF-Adapter conical DN80/40 L=63 304 #ZRD
ISO-K/KF-Adapter conical DN80/50 L=63 304 #ZRE
ISO-K/KF-Adapter conical DN100/25 L=63 304 #ZRF
ISO-K/KF-Adapter conical DN100/40 L=63 304 #ZRG
ISO-K/KF-Adapter conical DN100/50 L=63 304 #ZRH
ISO-K/KF-Adapter conical DN63/25 L=63 316L #ZRT
ISO-K/KF-Adapter conical DN63/40 L=63 316L #ZRQ
ISO-K/KF-Adapter conical DN63/50 L=63 316L #ZRR
ISO-K/KF-Adapter conical DN80/40 L=63 316L #ZRX
ISO-K/KF-Adapter conical DN80/50 L=63 316L #ZRM
ISO-K/KF-Adapter conical DN100/25 L=63 316L #ZRU
ISO-K/KF-Adapter conical DN100/40 L=63 316L #ZRS
ISO-K/KF-Adapter conical DN100/50 L=63 316L #ZRN
ISO-K/KF Adapter cylindrical
ISO-K/KF-Adapter cylindrical DN63/16 L=50 304 #ZVA
ISO-K/KF-Adapter cylindrical DN63/25 L=50 304 #ZVB
ISO-K/KF-Adapter cylindrical DN63/40 L=50 304 #ZVC
ISO-K/KF-Adapter cylindrical DN63/50 L=50 304 #ZVD
ISO-K/KF-Adapter cylindrical DN80/25 L=50 304 #ZVE
ISO-K/KF-Adapter cylindrical DN80/40 L=50 304 #ZVF
ISO-K/KF-Adapter cylindrical DN80/50 L=50 304 #ZVG
ISO-K/KF-Adapter cylindrical DN100/25 L=50 304 #ZVH
ISO-K/KF-Adapter cylindrical DN100/40 L=50 304 #ZVJ
ISO-K/KF-Adapter cylindrical DN100/50 L=50 304 #ZVK
ISO-K/KF-Adapter cylindrical DN160/40 L=50 304 #ZVL
ISO-K/KF-Adapter cylindrical DN160/50 L=50 304 #ZVM
ISO-K/KF-Adapter cylindrical DN200/25 L=50 304 #ZVN
ISO-K/KF-Adapter cylindrical DN63/40 L=50 316L #ZBN
ISO-K/KF-Adapter cylindrical DN63/50 L=50 316L #ZBT
ISO-K/KF-Adapter cylindrical DN100/40 L=50 316L #ZBP
ISO-K/KF-Adapter cylindrical DN100/50 L=50 316L #ZBU
ISO-K/KF Reducer Tee
ISO-K/KF-Reducer Tee DN63/16 L=176 R=75 304 #ZTA
ISO-K/KF-Reducer Tee DN63/25 L=176 R=75 304 #ZTB
ISO-K/KF-Reducer Tee DN63/40 L=176 R=75 304 #ZTC
ISO-K/KF-Reducer Tee DN63/50 L=176 R=75 304 #ZTD
ISO-K/KF-Reducer Tee DN100/16 L=216 R=100 304 #ZTE
ISO-K/KF-Reducer Tee DN100/25 L=216 R=100 304 #ZTF
ISO-K/KF-Reducer Tee DN100/40 L=216 R=100 304 #ZTG
ISO-K/KF-Reducer Tee DN100/50 L=216 R=100 304 #ZTH
ISO-K/KF-Reducer Tee DN160/16 L=276 R=125 304 #ZTJ
ISO-K/KF-Reducer Tee DN160/25 L=276 R=125 304 #ZTK
ISO-K/KF-Reducer Tee DN160/40 L=276 R=125 304 #ZTL
ISO-K/KF-Reducer Tee DN160/50 L=276 R=125 304 #ZTM
ISO-K/KF-Reducer Tee DN63/25 L=176 R=75 316L #ZTN
ISO-K/KF-Reducer Tee DN63/40 L=176 R=75 316L #ZTS
ISO-K-Reducer-Tee DN63/50 L=176 R=75 316L #ZTV
ISO-K/KF-Reducer Tee DN100/25 L=216 R=100 316L #ZTP
ISO-K/KF-Reducer Tee DN100/40 L=216 R=100 316L #ZTT
ISO-K/KF-Reducer Tee DN100/50 L=216 R=100 316L #ZTU
ISO-K/KF-Reducer Tee DN160/25 L=276 R=125 316L #ZTQ
ISO-CF Dimensions |
ISO-CF Copper Gasket
ISO-CF-Copper Gasket oxygen free DN16 D=21.3 d=16.2 10-package #CAA
ISO-CF-Copper Gasket oxygen free DN25 D=32.9 d=25.6 10-package #CAB
ISO-CF-Copper Gasket oxygen free DN40 D=48.1 d=36.7 10-package #CAC
ISO-CF-Copper Gasket oxygen free DN50 D=61.6 d=50.9 10-package #CAD
ISO-CF-Copper Gasket oxygen free DN63 D=82.4 d=63.6 10-package #CAE
ISO-CF-Copper Gasket oxygen free DN100 D=120.5 d=101.7 10-package #CAF
ISO-CF-Copper Gasket oxygen free DN160 D=171.2 d=152.5 5-package #CAG
ISO-CF-Copper Gasket oxygen free DN200 D=222.1 d=203.3 5-package #CAH
ISO-CF-Copper Gasket oxygen free DN250 D=272.9 d=254 5-package #CAJ
ISO-CF-Copper Gasket oxygen free DN300 D=313 d=300 5-package #CAK
ISO-CF-Copper Gasket oxygen free DN350 D=376.9 d=356.3 5-package #CAL
ISO-CF-Copper Gasket oxygen free DN400 D=419 d=407 5-package #CAM
ISO-CF-Copper Gasket oxygen free silver plated DN16 D=21.3 d=16.2 5-package #CAN
ISO-CF-Copper Gasket oxygen free silver plated DN40 D=48.1 d=36.7 5-package #CKA
ISO-CF-Copper Gasket oxygen free silver plated DN63 D=82.4 d=63.6 5-package #CKB
ISO-CF-Copper Gasket oxygen free silver plated DN100 D=120.5 d=101.7 5-package #CKC
ISO-CF-Copper Gasket oxygen free silver plated DN200 D=222.1 d=203.3 5-package #CKD
ISO-CF-Copper Gasket oxygen free silver plated DN250 D=272.9 d=254 5-package #CKE
ISO-CF Viton Gasket
ISO-CF-Viton Gasket seal DN100 D=120.5 d=101.7 #CHG
ISO-CF-Viton Gasket seal DN160 D=171.2 d=152.5 #CHH
ISO-CF-Viton Gasket seal DN200 D=222.1 d=203.3 #CHI
ISO-CF-Viton Gasket seal DN250 D=272.9 d=254 #CHJ
ISO-CF-Viton Gasket seal with centeringlip DN40 D=48.1 d=36.8 #CHK
ISO-CF-Viton Gasket seal with centeringlip DN63 D=82.4 d=63.6 #CHL
ISO-CF-Viton Gasket seal with centeringlip DN100 D=120.5 d=101.7 #CHM
ISO-CF-Viton Gasket seal with centeringlip DN160 D=171.2 d=152.5 #CHN
ISO-CF-Viton Gasket seal with centeringlip DN250 D=272.9 d=254 #CHP
ISO-CF Flexible hose
ISO-CF-Flexible hose DN16 fix /rot. L=250 304 #CAQ
ISO-CF-Flexible hose DN16 fix /rot. L=500 304 #CAR
ISO-CF-Flexible hose DN16 fix /rot. L=750 304 #CAS
ISO-CF-Flexible hose DN16 fix /rot. L=1000 304 #CAT
ISO-CF-Flexible hose DN40 fix /rot. L=250 304 #CAU
ISO-CF-Flexible hose DN40 fix /rot. L=500 304 #CAV
ISO-CF-Flexible hose DN40 fix /rot. L=750 304 #CAW
ISO-CF-Flexible hose DN40 fix /rot. L=1000 304 #CAX
ISO-CF-Flexible hose DN63 fix /rot. L=250 304 #CAY
ISO-CF-Flexible hose DN63 fix /rot. L=500 304 #CAZ
ISO-CF-Flexible hose DN63 fix /rot. L=750 304 #CA1
ISO-CF-Flexible hose DN63 fix /rot. L=1000 304 #CA2
ISO-CF-Flexible hose DN100 fix /rot. L=250 304 #CA3
ISO-CF-Flexible hose DN100 fix /rot. L=500 304 #CA4
ISO-CF-Flexible hose DN100 fix /rot. L=750 304 #CA5
ISO-CF-Flexible hose DN100 fix /rot. L=1000 304 #CA6
ISO-CF Formed bellows
ISO-CF-Formed bellows DN40 fix /rot. L=95 with WB 39/55/0.15 #CA7
ISO-CF-Formed bellows DN63 fix /rot. L=120 with WB 54.8/75/0.2/1.4571 #CA8
ISO-CF-Formed bellows DN160 fix /rot. L=130 with WB 85/110/0.2/1.4571 #CA9
ISO-CF-Formed bellows DN160 fix /rot. L=155 bellows 316L flange 304 #CBA
ISO-CF-Formed bellows DN16 fix /rot. L=110 bellows 316L flange 304 #CBB
ISO-CF-Formed bellows DN40 fix /rot. L=160 bellows 316L flange 304 #CBC
ISO-CF-Formed bellows DN63 fix /rot. L=250 bellows 316L flange 304 #CBD
ISO-CF-Formed bellows DN100 fix /rot. L=230 bellows 316L flange 304 #CBE
ISO-CF-Formed bellows DN160 fix /rot. L=270 bellows 316L flange 304 #CBF
ISO-CF Half nipple fix
CF-Half nipple DN16 fix with tube Ø18x1 L=50 304 #CDD
CF-Half nipple DN25 fix with tube Ø25.4x1.65 L=50 304 #CDE
CF-Half nipple DN40 fix with tube Ø38x1.5 L=50 304 #CDF
CF-Half nipple DN40 fix with tube Ø40x1.5 L=50 304 #CDG
CF-Half nipple DN50 fix with tube Ø50.8x2 L=100 304 #CDJ
CF-Half nipple DN63 fix with tube Ø63.5x2 L=100 304 #CDL
CF-Half nipple DN100 fix with tube Ø101.6x2 L=100 304 #CDN
CF-Half nipple DN100 fix with tubeØ108x3 L=135 304 #CD+
CF-Half nipple DN160 fix with tube Ø152.4x2 L=100 304 #CDQ
CF-Half nipple DN160 fix with tube Ø159x2 L=100 304 #CDR
CF-Half nipple DN200 fix with tube Ø205x2.5 L=100 304 #CDS
CF-Half nipple DN250 fix with tube Ø256x3 L=100 304 #CDT
CF-Half nipple DN40 fix tapped with tube Ø40x1.5 L=50 304 #CDH
CF-Half nipple DN63 fix tapped with tube Ø63.5x2 L=100 304 #CDK
CF-Half nipple DN100 fix tapped with tube Ø101.6x2 L=100 304 #CDM
ISO-CF Half nipple rotatable
CF-Half nipple DN16 rot. with tube Ø18x1 L=50 304 #CDU
CF-Half nipple DN25 rot. with tube Ø25.4x1.65 L=50 304 #CDV
CF-Half nipple DN40 rot. with tube Ø38x1.5 L=50 304 #CDW
CF-Half nipple DN40 rot. with tube Ø40x1.5 L=50 304 #CDX
CF-Half nipple DN50 rot. with tube Ø50.8x2 L=100 304 #CDY
CF-Half nipple DN63 rot. with tube Ø63.5x2 L=100 304 #CDZ
CF-Half nipple DN63 rot. with tube Ø70x2 L=100 304 #CD1
CF-Half nipple DN100 rot. with tube Ø101.6x2 L=100 304 #CD2
CF-Half nipple DN100 rot. with tube Ø108x2 L=100 304 #CD3
CF-Half nipple DN160 rot. with tube Ø152.4x2 L=100 304 #CD5
CF-Half nipple DN200 rot. with tube Ø205x2.5 L=100 304 #CD6
CF-Half nipple DN250 rot. with tube Ø256x3 L=100 304 #CD8
CF-Half nipple DN160 rot. tapped with tube Ø152.4x2 L=100 304 #CD4
CF-Half nipple DN200 rot. tapped with tube Ø205x2.5 L=100 304 #CD7
ISO-CF Radius elbow 90°
CF-Mitered elbow 90° DN16 L=38 304 #CD9
CF-Mitered elbow 90° DN40 L=63 304 #CEA
CF-Mitered elbow 90° DN63 L=105 304 #CEB
CF-Mitered elbow 90° DN100 L=135 304 #CEC
CF-Mitered elbow 90° DN160 L=167 304 #CED
CF-Mitered elbow 90° DN200 L=203 304 #CEE
CF-Tee DN16 1x rot. per axis L=76/38 304 #CEF
CF-Tee DN40 1x rot. per axis L=126/63 304 #CEG
CF-Tee DN63 1x rot. per axis L=210/105 304 #CEH
CF-Tee DN100 1x rot. per axis L= 270/135 304 #CEJ
CF-Tee DN160 1x rot. per axis L=334/167 304 #CEK
CF-Tee DN200 1x rot. per axis L=406/203 304 #CEL
CF-Tee DN16 3x fix L=76/38 304 #CEM
CF-Tee DN40 3x fix L=126/63 304 #CEN
CF-Tee DN63 3x fix L=210/105 304 #CEP
CF-Tee DN100 3x fix L= 270/135 304 #CEQ
CF-Tee DN160 3x fix L=334/167 304 #CER
CF-Tee DN200 3x fix L=406/203 304 #CES
ISO-CF Reducer Tee
CF-Reducer Tee DN40/DN16 1x rot. per axis L=76/38 304 #CET
CF-Reducer Tee DN63/DN40 1x rot. per axis L=210/77 304 #CEU
CF-Reducer Tee DN100/DN40 1x rot. per axis L=270/95 304 #CEV
CF-Reducer Tee DN100/DN63 1x rot. per axis L=270/95 304 #CEW
CF-Reducer Tee DN160/DN40 1x rot. per axis L=334/110 304 #CEX
CF-Reducer Tee DN160/DN63 1x rot. per axis L=334/110 304 #CEY
CF-Reducer Tee DN200/DN40 1x rot. per axis L=406/145 304 #CEZ
CF-Reducer Tee DN200/DN63 1x rot. per axis L=406/145 304 #CE1
CF-Reducer Tee DN200/DN100 1x rot. per axis L=406/145 304 #CE2
CF-Reducer Tee DN200/DN160 1x rot. per axis L=406/145 304 #CE3
CF-Reducer Tee DN250/DN40 1x rot. per axis L=500/170 304 #CE4
CF-Reducer Tee DN250/DN63 1x rot. per axis L=500/170 304 #CE5
CF-Reducer Tee DN250/DN100 1x rot. per axis L=500/170 304 #CE6
CF-Reducer Tee DN250/DN160 1x rot. per axis L=500/170 304 #CE7
CF-Reducer Tee DN250/DN200 1x rot. per axis L=500/170 304 #CE8
ISO-CF 4-way Cross
CF-5-way Cross DN16 1x rot. per axis 304 #CE9
CF-5-way Cross DN40 1x rot. per axis 304 #CFA
CF-5-way Cross DN63 1x rot. per axis 304 #CFB
CF-5-way Cross DN100 1x rot. per axis 304 #CFC
CF-5-way Cross DN160 1x rot. per axis 304 #CFD
CF-5-way Cross DN200 1x rot. per axis 304 #CFE
CF-6-way Cross DN16 1x rot. per axis 304 #CFF
CF-6-way Cross DN40 1x rot. per axis 304 #CFG
CF-6-way Cross DN63 1x rot. per axis 304 #CFH
CF-6-way Cross DN100 1x rot. per axis 304 #CFJ
CF-6-way Cross DN160 1x rot. per axis 304 #CFK
CF-6-way Cross DN200 1x rot. per axis 304 #CFL
CF-Cube DN16 1.33"OD L=35 304 #CFM
CF-Cube DN40 2.75"OD L=73 304 #CFN
CF-Cube DN63 4.5"OD L=114 304 #CFP
CF-Cube DN100 6"OD L=152 304 #CFQ
CF-Cube DN160 8"OD L= 203 304 #CFR
CF-Cube DN160 8"OD L= 203 316L #CFR
CF-Cube DN200 10"OD L= 254 304 #CFS
CF-Cube DN250 12"OD L= 305 304 #CFT
CF-Cube DN300 14"OD L= 362 304 #CFU
ISO-CF Viewport
CF-Viewport DN40 with through holes Kodial glass #CFV
CF-Viewport DN63 with through holes Kodial glass #CFX
CF-Viewport DN100 with through holes Kodial glass #CFZ
CF-Viewport DN160 with through holes Kodial glass #CF1
CF-Viewport DN200 with through holes Kodial glass #CF2
ISO-CF-KF Adapter
CF-KF-Adapter DN100/40 L=50 304 #CJA
CF-KF-Adapter DN40/25 L=63 304 #CJB
CF-KF-Adapter DN63/25 L=50 304 #CJB
CF-KF-Adapter DN63/25 L=63 304 #CJB
CF-KF-Adapter DN160/25 L=63 304 #CJB
CF-KF-Adapter DN100/25 L=50 304 #CJ5
Angle Valve |
Angle Valve Manual
KF-Angle Valve DN16 Man. 304 bellows sealed Viton L=55 H=137-156.5 ØB=60 Opening 80% #VSA
KF-Angle valve DN16 Man. 316L bellows sealed Viton L=55 H=137-156.5 ØB=60 Opening 80% #VSP
KF-Angle Valve DN25 Man. 304 bellows sealed Viton L=51.6H=131-149.5ØB=60 Opening 80% #VSB
KF-Angle Valve DN25 Man. 316L bellows sealed Viton L=51.6H=131-149.5ØB=60 Opening 80% #VSN
KF-Angle Valve DN40 Man. 304 bellows sealed Viton L=61 H=164-198 ØB=76 Opening 80% #VSC
KF-Angle Valve DN50 Man. 304 bellows sealed Viton L=55 H=172 ØB=57 Opening 80% #VSD
KF-Angle Valve DN63 Man. 304 bellows sealed Viton L=55 H=172 ØB=57 Opening 80% #VSE
Angle Valve Pneumatic
KF-Angle Valve DN16 Pneu. 304 bellows sealed Viton L=55 H=172 ØB=57 Opening 80% #VSF
KF-Angle Valve DN25 Pneu. 304 bellows sealed Viton L=52 H=167 ØB=57 Opening 80% #VSG
KF-Angle Valve DN25 Pneu. 304 bellows sealed Viton L=50 H=119 ØB=96 #VSL
KF-Angle Valve DN40 Pneu. 304 bellows sealed Viton L=61 H=210 ØB=76 Opening 80% #VSH
KF-Angle Valve DN50 Pneu. 304 bellows sealed Viton L=86 H=255 ØB=88 Opening 80% #VSJ
ISO-K-Angle Valve DN63 Pneu. 304 bellows sealed Viton L=83 H=275 ØB=100 Opening 80% #VSK
Position indicator for #VSF.VSG.VSH.VSJ.VSK #VP1
Pneumatic valve electromagnetic 230V/24V for #VSF.VSG.VSL.VSH.VSJ.VSK #VM1
ISO-K-Angle Valve DN100 Pneu. 304 bellows sealed Viton L=114 H=365 ØB=152 #VEJ
Angle Valve Elektromagnetic
KF-Angle Valve DN16 electr. 304 bellows sealed Viton L=38 H=168 ØB=44 D=64 #VAB
KF-Angle Valve DN25 electr. 304 bellows sealed Viton L=45 H=187 ØB=50 D=69 #VAD
KF-Angle Valve DN40 electr. 304 bellows sealed Viton L=55 H=221 ØB=73 D=100 #VAF
KF-Angle Valve DN50 electr. 304 bellows sealed Viton L=65 H=245 ØB=78 D=110 #VAH
KF-Angle Valve DN16 electr. 316 bellows sealed Viton L=38 H=168 ØB=44 D=48 #VEE
KF-Angle Valve DN25 electr. 316 bellows sealed Viton L=45 H=187 ØB=50 D=56 #VEF
KF-Angle Valve DN40 electr. 316 bellows sealed Viton L=55 H=221 ØB=73 D=78 #VEG
KF-Angle Valve DN50 electr. 316 bellows sealed Viton L=65 H=245 ØB=78 D=84 #VEH
Inline-Valve Electromagnetic
KF-Inline-Valve DN16 Elektr. 230V 304 Dicht: bellows sealed a.2xViton L=80 H=148 ØB=41 D=46 #VAJ
KF-Inline-Valve DN25 Elektr. 230V 304 Dicht: bellows sealed a.2xViton L=100 H=145 ØB=51 D=52 #VAK
KF-Inline-Valve DN40 Elektr. 230V 304 Dicht: bellows sealed a.2xViton L=130 H=201 ØB=61 D=74 #VAL
KF-Inline-Valve DN50 Elektr. 230V 304 Dicht: bellows sealed a.2xViton L=140 H=232 ØB=75 D=78 #VAM
Inline-Valve Electromagnetic
KF-Ball valve DN25 Man. L=107/80 Tmax.=150°C 304 Gasket: PTFE #KFV
KF-Ball valve DN16 Man. L=129.4 Tmax.=150°C 304 Gasket: PTFE #KF6
KF-Ball valve DN25 Man. L=123.5 H=84 Tmax.=150°C 304 Gasket: PTFE #KF3
KF-Ball valve DN40 Man. L=146/115 Tmax.=150°C 304 Gasket: PTFE #KFX
KF-2-Way-Butterfly valve DN40 304 #VAN
Lineartranslator |
UHV-Z-Translator Carina
UHV-Z-Translator Carina 16T_16T_25 DN16CF stroke25 LFF=28.5-53.5 LT=66 LS=19 LP=33 #LMA
UHV-Z-Translator Carina 16T_16T_50 DN16CF stroke48 LFF=35-83 LT=101 LS=19 LP=33 #LMB
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Pollux
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Pollux 16_50 DN16CF stroke50 LQ=197-247 #LPM
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Pollux 16_100 DN16CF stroke100 LQ=297-397 #LPN
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Corvus
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Corvus 16_30 DN16CF stroke30 LZ customer request #LVM
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Corvus 16_50 DN16CF stroke50 LZ customer request #LVN
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Corvus 16_100 DN16CF stroke100 LZ customer request #LVP
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Corvus 40_30 DN40CF stroke30 LZ customer request #LVQ
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Corvus 40_50 DN40CF stroke50 LZ customer request #LVR
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Corvus 40_100 DN40CF stroke100 LZ customer request #LVS
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Corvus 16_30 DN16CF stroke30 LZ customer request. for motor #LVT
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Corvus 16_50 DN16CF stroke50 LZ customer request. for motor #LVU
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Corvus 16_100 DN16CF stroke100 LZ customer request. for motor #LVV
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Corvus 40_30 DN40CF stroke30 LZ customer request. for motor #LVW
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Corvus 40_50 DN40CF stroke50 LZ customer request. for motor #LVX
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Corvus 40_100 DN40CF stroke100 LZ customer request. for motor #LVY
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Cetus
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Cetus 16_20 DN16CF stroke20 LZ customer request Accuracy 0.01 #LEA
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Cetus 16_40 DN16CF stroke40 LZ customer request Accuracy 0.01 #LEB
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Cetus 40_20 DN40CF stroke20 LZ customer request Accuracy 0.01 #LEC
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Cetus 40_40 DN40CF stroke40 LZ customer request Accuracy 0.01 #LED
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Lynx
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Lynx 16_50 DN16CF stroke50 LQ=129 LZ=50-100 Accuracy 0.1 #LYA
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Lynx 16_100 DN16CF stroke100 LQ=179 LZ=75-175 Accuracy 0.1 #LYB
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Lynx 16_150 DN16CF stroke150 LQ=229 LZ=90-240 Accuracy 0.1 #LYC
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Lynx 40_50 DN40CF stroke50 LQ=124 LZ=50-100 Accuracy 0.1 #LYD
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Lynx 40_100 DN40CF stroke100 LQ=174 LZ=75-175 Accuracy 0.1 #LYE
UHV-Z-Feedthrough Lynx 40_150 DN40CF stroke150 LQ=224 LZ=90-240 Accuracy 0.1 #LYF
UHV-Z-Translator Auriga
UHV-Z-Translator Auriga 40T_40T_50 DN40CF stroke50 LFF=58-108 LT=176-226 LS=50 LP=100 #LAJ
UHV-Z-Translator Auriga 40T_40T_100 DN40CF stroke100 LFF=81-181 LT=229-329 LS=50 LP=100 #LAK
UHV-Z-Translator Auriga 40T_40T_150 DN40CF stroke150 LFF=96-246 LT=285-445 LS=50 LP=100 #LAL
UHV-Z-Translator Auriga 63T_63T_50 DN63CF stroke50 LFF=91-141 LT=233-283 LS=68 LP=100 #LAM
UHV-Z-Translator Auriga 63T_63T_100 DN63CF stroke100 LFF=112-212 LT=283-383 LS=68 LP=100 #LAN
UHV-Z-Translator Virgo
UHV-Z-Translator Virgo 40_40T_50 DN40CF stroke50 LFF=75-125 LT=235 LS=43 LP=105 #LVA
UHV-Z-Translator Virgo 40_40T_100 DN40CF stroke100 LFF=90-190 LT=300 LS=43 LP=105 #LVB
UHV-Z-Translator Virgo 40_40T_150 DN40CF stroke150 LFF=105-255 LT=365 LS=43 LP=105 #LVC
UHV-Z-Translator Virgo 40_40T_200 DN40CF stroke200 LFF=120-320 LT=430 LS=43 LP=105 #LVD
UHV-Z-Translator Orion
UHV-Z-Translator Orion 40_40T_50 DN40CF stroke 50 LFF=75-125 LT=200 LS=63 LP=115 #LNF
UHV-Z-Translator Orion 40_40T_100 DN40CF stroke100 LFF=90-190 LT=255 LS=63 LP=115 #LNG
UHV-Z-Translator Orion 40_40T_150 DN40CF stroke150 LFF=105-255 LT=320 LS=63 LP=115 #LNH
UHV-Z-Translator Orion 40_40T_200 DN40CF stroke200 LFF=163-363 LT=410 LS=59 LP=114 #LNJ
UHV-Z-Translator Orion 40_40T_250 DN40CF stroke250 LFF=190-440 LT=576 LS=63 LP=115 #LNK
UHV-Z-Translator Orion 40_40T_300 DN40CF stroke300 LFF=153-453 LT=518 LS=63 LP=115 #LNL
UHV-Z-Translator Orion 40_40T_400 DN40CF stroke400 LFF=205-605 LT=670 LS=63 LP=115 #LNM
UHV-Z-Translator Orion 40_40T_500 DN40CF stroke500 LFF=226-726 LT=790 LS=63 LP=115 #LNN
UHV-Z-Translator Orion 40_40T_600 DN40CF stroke600 LFF=255-855 LT=920 LS=63 LP=115 #LNP
UHV-Z-Translator Orion 40_40T_900 DN40CF stroke900 LFF=360-1380 LT=450 LS=63 LP=115 #LNQ
UHV-Z-Translator Orion 63_63T_50 DN63CF stroke 50 LFF=85-135 LT=248 LS=69 LP=143 #LNZ
UHV-Z-Translator Orion 63_63T_100 DN63CF stroke100 LFF=95-195 LT=298 LS=69 LP=143 #LN1
UHV-Z-Translator Orion 63_63T_150 DN63CF stroke150 LFF=110-260 LT=348 LS=69 LP=143 #LN2
UHV-Z-Translator Orion 63_63T_200 DN63CF stroke200 LFF=125-325 LT=398 LS=69 LP=131 #LN3
UHV-Z-Translator Orion 63_63T_250 DN63CF stroke250 LFF=155-405 LT=463 LS=69 LP=143 #LN4
UHV-Z-Translator Orion 63_63T_300 DN63CF stroke300 LFF=168-468 LT=538 LS=69 LP=143 #LN5
UHV-Z-Translator Orion 63_63T_400 DN63CF stroke400 LFF=200-600 LT=670 LS=69 LP=143 #LN6
UHV-Z-Translator Orion 63_63T_500 DN63CF stroke500 LFF=230-730 LT=800 LS=69 LP=143 #LN7
UHV-Z-Translator Leo
UHV-Z-Translator Leo 100_100T_50 DN100CF stroke50 LFF=164-214 LT=366 LS=97 LP=177 #LSA
UHV-Z-Translator Leo 100_100T_100 DN100CF stroke100 LFF=164-264 LT=416 LS=97 LP=177 #LSB
UHV-Z-Translator Leo 100_100T_150 DN100CF stroke150 LFF=173-323 LT=406 LS=88 LP=182 #LSC
UHV-Z-Translator Leo 100_100T_200 DN10CF stroke200 LFF=164-364 LT=516 LS=97 LP=177 #LSD
UHV-Z-Translator Leo 100_100T_300 DN100CF stroke300 LFF=218-518 LT=627 LS=97 LP=177 #LSE
UHV-Z-Translator Draco
UHV-Z-Translator Draco 100_100T_50 DN100CF stroke50 LFF=100-150 LT=321 LS=103 LP=174 #LRB
UHV-Z-Translator Draco 100_100T_100 DN100CF stroke100 LFF=110-210 LT=381 LS=103 LP=174 #LRD
UHV-Z-Translator Draco 100_100T_150 DN100CF stroke150 LFF=120-270 LT=441 LS=103 LP=174 #LRE
UHV-Z-Translator Draco 100_100T_200 DN100CF stroke200 LFF=130-330 LT=501 LS=103 LP=174 #LRF
UHV-Z-Translator Draco 100_100T_300 DN100CF stroke300 LFF=150-450 LT=621 LS=103 LP=174 #LRH
UHV-Z-Translator Draco 100_100T_400 DN100CF stroke400 LFF=170-570 LT=741 LS=103 LP=174 #LRK
UHV-Z-Translator Draco 100_100T_500 DN100CF stroke500 LFF=190-690 LT=861 LS=103 LP=174 #LRJ
UHV-Z-Translator Draco 100_100T_600 DN100CF stroke600 LFF=210-810 LT=981 LS=103 LP=174 #LRL
UHV-Z-Translator Draco 100_100T_700 DN100CF stroke700 LFF=230-730 LT=1101 LS=103 LP=174 #LRM
UHV-Z-Translator Draco short 100T_100T_50 DN100CF stroke50 LFF=53-103 LT=337 LS=103 LP=174 #LRN
UHV-Z-Translator Draco short 100T_100T_100 DN100CF stroke100 LFF=56-156 LT=390 LS=103 LP=174 #LRP
UHV-Z-Translator Draco short 100T_100T_150 DN100CF stroke150 LFF=64-214 LT=448 LS=103 LP=174 #LRQ
UHV-Z-Translator Draco short 100T_100T_200 DN100CF stroke200 LFF=72-272 LT=506 LS=103 LP=174 #LRR
UHV-Z-Translator Draco short 160T_160T_100 DN160CF stroke100 LFF=66-166 LT=410 LS=120 LP=200 #LRT
UHV-XYZ-Manipulator Tucana 160T_160T_100 DN160CF stroke100 LFF=222-322 LT=580 LS=115 LP=180 #MTF
UHV-Wobble Stick |
UHV-Wobble Stick Bsw
UHV-Wobble Stick Bsw DN40CF slide80 + wobble+-22° - Screw surface L= 85-165 X= 90-170 #WWA
UHV-Wobble Stick Bsw DN40CF shift140 + wobble+-22° - Screw surface L=105-295 X=90-230 #WWB
UHV-Wobble Stick Bsw DN40CF shift200 + wobble+-22° - Screw surface L=125-325 X=90-290 #WWC
UHV-Wobble Stick Bsw DN40CF shift280 + wobble+-22° - Screw surface L=150-430 X=90-370 #WWD
UHV-Wobble Stick Msw
UHV-Wobble Stick DN40CF Msw shift80 + wobble+-22° - Pin d=6 L= 85-165 X= 170 #WMA
UHV-Wobble Stick DN40CF Msw shift140 + wobble+-22° - Pin d=6 L=105-295 X=230 #WMB
UHV-Wobble Stick DN40CF Msw shift200 + wobble+-22° - Pin d=6 L=125-325 X=290 #WMC
UHV-Wobble Stick DN40CF Msw shift280 + wobble+-22° - Pin d=6 L=150-430 X=370 #WMD
UHV-Wobble Stick BswgQ
UHV-Wobble Stick BswgQ DN40CF shift80 +wobble+-22° +grip +Pincer Grip Q L=137-217 X=121-201 #WWE
UHV-Wobble Stick BswgQ DN40CF shift140 +wobble+-22° +grip +Pincer Grip Q L=163-303 X=121-261 #WWF
UHV-Wobble Stick BswgQ DN40CF shift200 +wobble+-22° +grip +Pincer Grip Q L=187-387 X=121-321 #WWG
UHV-Wobble Stick BswgQ DN40CF shift280 +wobble+-22° +grip +Pincer Grip Q L=223-503 X=121-401 #WWH
UHV-Wobble Stick BswgO BswgO90
UHV-Wobble Stick BswgO DN40CF shift80 +wobble+-22° +grip +Pincer Grip O L=144-224 X=121-201 #WWJ
UHV-Wobble Stick BswgO DN40CF shift140 +wobble+-22° +grip +Pincer Grip O L=170-310 X=121-261 #WWK
UHV-Wobble Stick BswgO DN40CF shift200 +wobble+-22° +grip +Pincer Grip O L=196-396 X=121-321 #WWL
UHV-Wobble Stick BswgO DN40CF shift280 +wobble+-22° +grip +Pincer Grip O L=230-510 X=121-401 #WWM
UHV-Wobble Stick BswgO90 DN40CF shift80 +wobble+-22° +grip +Pincer Grip O90 L=144-224 X=121-201 #WWV
UHV-Wobble Stick BswgO90 DN40CF shift140 +wobble+-22° +grip +Pincer Grip O90 L=170-310 X=121-261 #WWW
UHV-Wobble Stick BswgO90 DN40CF shift200 +wobble+-22° +grip +Pincer Grip O90 L=196-396 X=121-321 #WWX
UHV-Wobble Stick BswgO90 DN40CF shift280 +wobble+-22° +grip +Pincer Grip O90 L=230-510 X=121-401 #WWY
UHV-Wobble Stick BswgrO
UHV-Wobble Stick BswgrO DN40CF shift80 +wobble+-22° +grip +rotate - Pincer Grip O L=144-244 #WWN
UHV-Wobble Stick BswgrO DN40CF shift140 +wobble+-22° +grip +rotate - Pincer Grip O L=170-310 #WWP
UHV-Wobble Stick BswgrO DN40CF shift200 +wobble+-22° +grip +rotate - Pincer Grip O L=196-396 #WWQ
UHV-Wobble Stick BswgrO DN40CF shift280 +wobble+-22° +grip +rotate - Pincer Grip O L=230-510 #WWR
UHV-Z-Transferarm Trans
UHV-Z-Transferarm Trans 16_S DN16CF S=customised LZ=20 LQ=120 + S D=6 H=35 #LTA
UHV-Z-Transferarm Trans 40_S DN40CF S=customised LZ=31 LQ=184 + S D=12 H=54 #LTB
Manipulators |
UHV-XYZ-Manipulator Orion
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF40_40T_050_12 stroke Z50 XY+-12 LFF=160-210 LT=230 LS=50 LP=130 #MKA
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF40_40T_100_12 stroke Z100 XY+-12 LFF=175-275 LT=290 LS=50 LP=130 #MKB
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF40_40T_150_12 stroke Z150 XY+-12 LFF=190-340 LT=360 LS=50 LP=130 #MKC
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF40_40T_200_12 stroke Z200 XY+-12 LFF=205-405 LT=428 LS=50 LP=130 #MKD
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF40_40T_250_12 stroke Z250 XY+-12 LFF=222-472 LT=490 LS=50 LP=130 #MKE
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF40_40T_300_12 stroke Z300 XY+-12 LFF=238-538 LT=560 LS=50 LP=130 #MKF
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF40_40T_400_12 stroke Z400 XY+-12 LFF=255-655 LT=715 LS=50 LP=130 #MKG
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF40_40T_500_12 stroke Z500 XY+-12 LFF=275-775 LT=840 LS=50 LP=130 #MKH
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF40_40T_600_12 stroke Z600 XY+-12 LFF=300-900 LT=960 LS=50 LP=130 #MKJ
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF63_40T_050_12 stroke Z50 XY+-12 LFF=230-280 LT=318 LS=80 LP=180 #MQA
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF63_40T_100_12 stroke Z100 XY+-12 LFF=230-330 LT=368 LS=80 LP=180 #MQB
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF63_40T_150_12 stroke Z150 XY+-12 LFF=240-390 LT=428 LS=80 LP=180 #MQC
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF63_40T_200_12 stroke Z200 XY+-12 LFF=251-451 LT=489 LS=80 LP=180 #MQD
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF63_40T_250_12 stroke Z250 XY+-12 LFF=261-511 LT=549 LS=80 LP=180 #MQE
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF63_40T_300_12 stroke Z300 XY+-12 LFF=271-571 LT=609 LS=80 LP=180 #MQF
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF63_40T_400_12 stroke Z400 XY+-12 LFF=303-703 LT=741 LS=80 LP=180 #MQG
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF63_40T_500_12 stroke Z500 XY+-12 LFF=335-835 LT=873 LS=80 LP=180 #MQH
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF63_40T_600_12 stroke Z600 XY+-12 LFF=365-965 LT=1003 LS=80 LP=180 #MQJ
Additive-Variant to CF63_40T: below Basedom DN100CF with 6xDN16CF LFF +6mm #MQK
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF63_63T_050_12 stroke Z50 XY+-12 LFF=220-270 LT=325 LS=100 LP=169 #MRA
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF63_63T_100_12 stroke Z100 XY+-12 LFF=220-320 LT=375 LS=100 LP=169 #MRB
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF63_63T_150_12 stroke Z150 XY+-12 LFF=230-380 LT=435LS=100 LP=169 #MRC
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF63_63T_200_12 stroke Z200 XY+-12 LFF=240-440 LT=495 LS=100 LP=169 #MRD
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF63_63T_250_12 stroke Z250 XY+-12 LFF=250-500 LT=555 LS=100 LP=169 #MRE
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF63_63T_300_12 stroke Z300 XY+-12 LFF=260-560 LT=615 LS=90 LP=181 #MRF
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF63_63T_400_12 stroke Z400 XY+-12 LFF=290-690 LT=745 LS=90 LP=181 #MRG
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF63_63T_500_12 stroke Z500 XY+-12 LFF=320-820 LT=875 LS=100 LP=169 #MRH
UHV-XYZ-Translator Orion CF63_63T_600_12 stroke Z600 XY+-12 LFF=350-950 LT=1005 LS=100 LP=169 #MRJ
Additive-Variant to CF63_63T: below Basedom DN100CF mit 6xDN16CF LFF +10mm #MRK
Additive to CF63_40T.CF63_63T: Transmission for Z-Axis 1:2 Scale 0.02 LT+35 #MRL
Additive to CF63_40T.CF63_63T: Transmission for Z-Axis 1:20 Scale 2my LT+55 #MRM
Additive to CF63_40T.CF63_63T: Transmission for Z-Axis 1:40 Scale 1my LT+55 #MRN
High-speed assistance for Z-Axis #MRP
UHV-XYZ-Manipulator Draco
UHV-XYZ-Manupulator Draco 250_100T_100 DN250CF DN100CF stroke100 */Y+/-12.5 LFF=190- 290 LT=396 LS=130 LP=220 #MRQ
Rotator |
UHV-Rotator RD
UHV-Rotator RD CF40 L=120 ID=25 differentially pumped. continuously rotatable. Scale division 1° #RDG
UHV-Rotator RD CF40 L=120 ID=25 differentially pumped. continuously rotatable. for engine #RDH
UHV-Rotator RD CF63 L=131.5 ID=55 differentially pumped. continuously rotatable. Scale division 1° #RDJ
UHV-Rotator RD CF63 L=131.5 ID=55 differentially pumped. continuously rotatable. for engine #RDK
UHV-Rotator RD CF100 L=45 ID=102 differentially pumped. continuously rotatable. Scale division 1° #RDL
UHV-Rotator RD CF100 L=45 ID=102 differentially pumped. continuously rotatable. for engine #RDM
UHV-Rotator RB
UHV-Rotator RB CF16 B=106 D=43 L=20 S=6 bellows sealed. continuously rotatable #RBG
UHV-Rotator RB CF40 B=120 D=48 L=50 S=6 bellows sealed. continuously rotatable #RBH
UHV-Rotator RM
UHV-Rotator RM CF16 D=42 B=84 L=19 magnet coupling. continuously rotatable #RMG
UHV-Rotator RM CF16 D=42 B=84 L=19 magnet coupling. continuously rotatable. for engine #RMH
UHV-Rotator RM CF40 D=68 B=81 L=20 magnet coupling. continuously rotatable #RMJ
UHV-Rotator RM CF40 D=68 B=81 L=20 magnet coupling. continuously rotatable. for engine #RMK
ISO-KF dimension |
ISO-K Double clamp
Formed bellows ID=4.8 OD=7.5 wall=0.1 length=47 ends=U6.5 p*=120 movement=5/12/92 Tmax=400°C #WBA
Formed bellows ID=6.2 OD=10 wall=0.1 length=10 ends=U8.5 p*=65 movement=2 #WBC
Formed bellows ID=6.2 OD=10 wall=0.1 length=24 ends=U8.4 p*=55 movement=5/5/71 Tmax=400°C 1.4541 #WBD
Formed bellows ID=6.2 OD=10 wall=0.1 length=33 ends=L8.7x4 p*=55 movement=5/7/71 Tmax=400°C #WBE
Formed bellows ID=9 OD=14.3 wall=0.1 length=20 ends=13.4 p*=28 movement=2/1/30 Tmax=400°C #WBG
Formed bellows ID=10 OD=15 wall=0.1 length=18 ends=U14 p*=42 movement=3/1/28 Tmax=400°C #WBH
Formed bellows ID=15 OD=22.2 wall=0.1 length=12 ends=U20 p*=16 movement=3/1/19 Tmax=400°C #WBK
Formed bellows ID=15 OD=22.2 wall=0.1 length=26 ends=U20 p*=16 movement=7/3/43 Tmax=400°C 11convolution #WBL
Formed bellows ID=15 OD=22.2 wall=0.1 length=33 ends=U20 p*=16 movement= Tmax=400°C 15convolution #WBM
Formed bellows ID=15 OD=22.2 wall=0.1 length=33 ends=U20 p*=16 movement= Tmax=400°C 15convolution WBM= #WCP
Formed bellows ID=15 OD=22.2 wall=0.1 length=41 ends=U20 p*=16 movement=9/6/56 Tmax=400°C 18convolution #WBN
Formed bellows ID=15 OD=22.2 wall=0.1 length=41 ends=U20 p*=16 movement=9/6/56 Tmax=400°C 18convolution WBN= #WCN
Formed bellows ID=16 OD=24 wall=0.1 length=30 ends=U21.4 p*=11 movement=9/5/52 Tmax=400°C #WBP
Formed bellows ID=20.8 OD=31.5 wall=0.15 length=24 ends=U29 p*=6 movement=8/2/35 Tmax=400°C #WBQ
Formed bellows ID=39.8 OD=54.3 wall=0.15 Ende=U44.3 p*=8 movement=35/31/86 Tmax=400°C #WBU
Formed bellows ID=40.8 OD=58.3 wall=0.15 length=75 ends=U 1.4404 #WBV
Formed bellows ID=40.8 OD=58.3 wall=0.15 length=105 ends=U 1.4404 #WBW
Formed bellows ID=40.8 OD=58.3 wall=0.15 length=1200 ends=U 1.4404 #WBX
Formed bellows ID=50 OD=69.3 wall=0.15 length=1200 lang U 1.4404 #WBY
Formed bellows ID=55 OD=75 wall=0.2 16convolution L=80 ends U63.0 1.4541 #WBZ
Formed bellows ID=107 OD=131.5 wall=2x0.3 8convolution ends cone Ø132.5 1.4541 #WB3
Formed bellows ID=108 OD=134 wall=0.3 12convolution length=90 ends=L108 p*=4 movement=36/9/34 Tmax=400°C #WB4
Formed bellows ID=150 OD=183 wall=0.3 12convolution length=95 ends=U165 p*=4 movement=60/11/41 Tmax=400°C #WB5
Formed bellows ID=158 OD=183 wall=0.3 11convolution ends=L D=159 1.4404 #WB6
Formed bellows ID=158 OD=183 wall=0.4 9convolution Lflex=75 Ende L Lend=46 D=159 GL163 1.4404 Cax ca. 150N/mm #WB7
Formed bellows ID=218 OD=249 wall=0.3 6convolution LF=90 ends=L218x80 p*=3 movement=25/3/12 Tmax=400°C #WB8
Formed bellows ID=253 OD=300 wall=0.4 length=100 6convolution ends=L253 p*=2 movement=36/4/15 Tmax=400°C #WB9
ISO-K Double clamp
ISO-KF dimension |
ISO-KF Wingnut clamp
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 10/16 A=16 B=42 C=63 304 #KSA
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 10/16 A=16 B=42 C=63 304 #KSA
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 10/16 A=16 B=42 C=63 304 #KSA
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 10/16 A=16 B=42 C=63 304 #KSA
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 10/16 A=16 B=42 C=63 304 #KSA